
The call for abstracts and session proposals ended on March 20, 2023. 

Letters of acceptation/rejection were sent in April, 2023.

The program of the Conference on the theme “Connecting Innovations in Data Science, Survey Research, and the Social Sciences”can be found here.

In co-organization with the United Nations Association of Ecuador, BigSurv23 will be held October 26-29, 2023, at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. The conference offers an opportunity to keep looking at the ongoing paradigm shift in how researchers produce, analyze, and use statistics. The event is intended to continue encouraging communication, collaboration, and understanding between computer and data scientists focusing on Big Data sources and analysis techniques, and methodologists and social science researchers working with traditional sources of data collection and statistical analyses. By uniting efforts, we can identify and overcome academic divides and make unified “Big Survey Data” population inference a reality. 

Important update!

We are thrilled to announce  a new partnership with IEEE (Region 9), through which we are offering additional opportunities for sharing your work with the rest of the community. Conference participants can now choose: presentation only; presentation with consideration for publication in the conference proceedings (through IEEE Xplore); or presentation with consideration for publication in a special issue of IEEE LATAM Transactions. 

BigSurv23 Call for Abstracts 

We invite presenters from the various disciplines and around the world to submit an abstract or session for presentation at the conference. In addition, papers will be eligible for consideration in relevant publication outlets offered through IEEE. Additional information on the publication process will be released shortly.

To be considered for the conference, presentations and papers should be broad and forward-looking; they may be original research or syntheses of the state of the art. The following are examples of topics that are of particular interest for this year’s conference:

  • Challenges and Advances in Data Triangulation, Harmonization, and Integration
  • Advancing Equity and Fairness within Artificial Intelligence 
  • New Topics, Challenges and Successes in Data Privacy and Dissemination 
  • New Paradigms for Measurement: Exploring New Data Sources and Signals 
  • Innovations in Data Collection and Acquisition 
  • Issues, Challenges and Successes for Research in the Era of a Pandemic 
  • Applying Machine Learning, AI and Automation in the Data Production and Estimation Pipeline  
  • Data Quality, Processing and Estimation Issues with Gathered and Designed Data 
  • Advances in Modeling: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence 
  • From Data to Insights: Decide, Visualize and Disseminate


Submission Guidelines

Please submit your abstract (500 words or fewer) or session proposal to https://www.bigsurv.org/conference/register by March 20, 2023

Paper/poster proposals. Your submission should include the title of the paper, all co-authors and their affiliations, and e-mail address of the lead author. In addition, please remember to indicate your publication outlet preference. The author of each accepted paper will present it at the conference.

Presenter Guidelines for Paper and Poster Presentations

Conference Proceedings Information for Authors

Session proposals. In addition to individual abstract submissions, we encourage session proposal submissions. Each session should consist of 4 to 5 papers. When submitting your session, you will be asked to provide a brief session description (150 words or fewer) followed by the request to submit individual abstracts for each session paper (see instructions for abstract submissions above).

Individuals will be notified of an acceptance or rejection by the third week of April, 2023. 

  • Papers that have not been accepted for publication will be considered for presentation at the conference.
  • Papers that have not been accepted for a formal presentation may instead be accepted as a poster (see below).
  • If we are able to accommodate your publication request or recommend an alternative publication outlet, the editorial board will shortly thereafter reach out to you with more information.

Student Paper Award and Early Career Scholar Travel Award. The BigSurv23 Scientific Committee is interested in supporting conference attendance by undergraduate students, graduate students, and early career scholars. BigSurv23 award opportunities include two student paper awards (students or recent 2022/2023 graduates) and early career scholar travel awards (graduate students or 2018-2023 graduates). The student paper awards include a monetary award. The early career scholar travel awards include a travel stipend; students and early career scholars from underrepresented regions are encouraged to apply to this award. 

Presentation Formats
The abstract will be selected either for oral presentation in parallel sessions or for a poster presentation.

Posters will be displayed throughout an entire conference day and presenters are expected to actively present those during the Friday morning (8:30 to 10:00 am). More information of Presentation Formats can be found here.

Questions about BigSurv23 can be directed to Ana Lucía Córdova Cazar (alcordova@usfq.edu.ec). For tourism in Ecuador, please see Why Ecuador section.

Details about conferences hotels can be found here: https://www.bigsurv.org/Hotel  

Stay Informed: If you want to stay informed regarding the BigSurv conference, please follow us on Twitter (@BigSurvConf), or subscribe to receive future newsletters.